Don't know what map to choose? Look no further; you can't go wrong with playing them all! Welcome to All-In-One: Armageddon, You Shall Not Pass, Golden Peak, and New Heaven on a single map! Th...
by Undying29 on
Salvara Isla is a huge island with a lot of buildable places and resources. there are five starting position in all direction. one easy and four medium difficult. the resource deposits are distribute...
by mstriker on
Brought to you by the same people that brought you Flat Map XL, except this time it's XXL, and it's made for Update 2. v4: Sand near starting location for concrete, smaller patch of trees at v...
by Keranik on
Sandbox 2/Flat XXXL New Version of Sandbox/Flat. All ores located in central location. Oil, Water and Trees spread about. Easy, Medium and Insane Starting locations.
by Viraconcha on
Official map Armageddon, enlarged and edited. Added new islands, only 2 starting locations. Its done for my fututre playthrough. Morghen
by Morghen_EQX on
Started out as the Armageddon map and changed it to the biggest map, added a few other maps and moved things around and added my own landscaping and resources. Most of the work has been done by the ma...
by DreamReaver on
once active volcano exploded in the middle of the ocean typical for those mechanic Islands leaving Rich resources to utilize now you and your colonists will have to tame this fragmented and Jagged Isl...
by GuardianDragonLord on
Flat land with all resources available for getting straight to building.
by GKStrange on
TerraNova boasts three spacious starting zones, each with expansive flat areas perfect for building your dream settlement. This map offers a treasure trove of resources, some are underground, waiting ...
A harbor was abandoned for unknown reasons on an otherwise rich land full of promise. Everything points to smooth sailing, but you should still be mindful of your starting location. A large map with p...
by Ohm is Futile on
A (somewhat?) faithful rendition of our lovely planet. I tried to strike a middle ground between gameplay and representation. Resources are mostly quite generous. Do feel free to hit me up if you have...
by hyperflare on
A fairly large map with 3 islands (and a 4th tiny one!) featuring stony beaches, mountains, and a lot of resources. However, the resources are all split accross the 3 islands. Gold is not available on...
by KptKosmit91 on
for those who wish to build/mine till your hearts content p.s made with using mod for more trucks in mind
by ALLskillz on
An extinct volcanic atol has had its inlet silted in: causing the internal lake to dry up and reveal the vast mineral riches left by the ancient lava tubes. Settle your people, Captain, and strike the...
by Alkydere on
A simple flat map on which there are three iconic rocks hiding a lot of resources. There are plenty of places for your factories, plenty of resources, and it's up to you how you use it. But there ...
by nightbird on
Who knows what riches lies beneath the waves maybe an adventurous captain will risk it all to get the goods ??
by julie on
Behold, the Land of Riches – An island shaded by a majestic peaks of resources! Mountains of Iron Ore, Copper Ore, Coal, Stone, Limestone, Quartz, Gold and Depleted Uranium. There is also an Oil Field...
by Blaze1984 on
Updated version. Flat map for Sandbox stlye play. Added more gold/quartz and 2nd starting location. Instead of having all the resources spread out in one long row, they are now all in a pyramid stlye...
Welcome captain you found a spilt island infested with trees can you overcome the challanges the island has set you?
by DeletedAccount2 on
A real map of the Czech and Slovak Republics, where on the Czech side the resources are located in real locations of occurrence. There are a lot of them and it is up to everyone what to use and what n...