
Map size: 4.1 x 4.1 km
Total resources
Coal 1,600K
Copper ore 8,000K
Crude oil 130K
Depleted uranium 3,200K
Gold ore 6,600K
Iron ore 10,000K
Limestone 6,200K
Quartz 4,100K
Sand 3,000K
Water 120K
Wood 24K
To install, copy the map to: %APPDATA%\Captain of Industry\Maps

Starting locations

1. Easy

Basic start, plenty of open space and convient access to starting resources

2. Medium

Secondary start: less space and rougher terrain with rolling hills.


An extinct volcanic atol has had its inlet silted in: causing the internal lake to dry up and reveal the vast mineral riches left by the ancient lava tubes. Settle your people, Captain, and strike the earth!

Version 2: Cleaned up the initial start and added a secondary start that's a bit more cramped on the opposite side.

Version 3: Noticed something was weird with the large coal seam: it was being bisected by rock. Should be larger and more contigous now.

not the prettiest, but this is the most fun to play custom map so far.