The blueprint comes as a set of modules to process crude oil and output Diesel, Naptha, Fuel gas, Hydrogren, Fetliser 2, Fertilzer 1 as well as output Rubber, Plastic and Sulfer as well as accept exce...
by JD Plays on
JD's Upgradeable Smelters Blueprints for each smelter type to be quickly placed and even upgraded in place All designs are made with resources flowing one direction and waste flowing the opposing ...
Upgradable Concrete Slab Design Built to saturate 4x T1 Concrete Mixers and easily upgradeable to T2 Mixers Blueprint explanation video can be found on YouTube Blueprint V...
JD's Upgradable Labs Completely Redesigned for version 3.0 Designed to be a stand alone module and have the resources be brought in via trucks due to the extremely low throughput required for rese...
JD's Food Blueprints, including all segments and farming.Blueprint Version 1.0 Made in COI version 0.5.5 The Food processing Blueprints included here have been split off and super seeded by this...
The Waste-N-Eater is designed to remove all waste from upto 11,500 people Living in T3 Housing. It will remove and process all Waste Water. As well as Biomass, and also Trash from the town. It provide...
Upgradable Vehicle Parts and Depo Blueprint explanation video can be found on YouTube Blueprint Version 1.0 Made in COI version 0.5.1a ~JDPlays NOTE: Once all T1 parts hav...
JD's Nuclear blueprints, guaranteed to bring a green glow into your life! A set of Modular blueprints for Nuclear fuel rods that will upgrade to process Mox Fuel, and then upgrade again to make fu...
JD's Desal plant Provides 264 clean water, from coal and seawater. Will need to be primed with clean water once via truck/pipe. Other Blueprints and explanation videos on YouTube https://www.youtu...
Ore Sorter designed to help you clean up after yourself. Its preset to accept in all those things that you might of at some stage in the past dumped into the sea and now its time to clean up after you...
JD's Microchip builds designed to be easily upgradable as you have more Terraflops come online. 3 Versions a Mk1 that runs from a single mainframe computer, and Mk2 that will run from two mainfram...
JD's Tileable Gold Smelter Simple tileable Gold Smelter takes in 144 Gold ore and outputs 18 Gold ore, needs separate Filter Medium (6) input and Acid (48) input, you can use the waste water on si...
JD's Highrise Pipes These pipes are the perfect companion if you need to run pipes higher or lower then the recommended 4 levels. Provided in a simple blueprint that you can paste down in any area...
JD's Trash to Water Takes in 144 trash and fuel and produces 111 clean water, also requires 190 seawater and outputs 75 brine sulfur is burn off as it produces just 3 per minute Other Blueprints a...
JD's Balancers Used when you have far to many inputs and want to merge them all together and your cant be bothered to work out the ratios! A balancer is in order! Balances are in 2 Combonations X ...
Food is the most complicated production line in Captain of Industry. It needs 14 Diffrent items in, and produces over 15 diffrent output items. Also some Food items are required to make Medical Suppli...
Makes 24 Filter medium per minute from rock and coal, using the manufactured sand recipe. Uses just 2 coal and 24 rock per minute Other Blueprints and explanation videos on YouTube
JD's Double Scrub Takes in 360 Exhaust and 48 water, produces 96 water 12 sulfur. Will also require 144 Seawater and output 48 brine The System cuts 180 Polution from exhaust into just 84 from the...
JD's Simple T2 Pipe Desal plant Designed to not need T3 pipes Provides 198 clean water, from coal and seawater. Will need to be primed with clean water once via truck/pipe. Other Blueprints and ex...