
Votes Score
Map Details
Map size: 6.7 x 3.6 km
Total resources
Coal 7,800K
Copper ore 3,600K
Crude oil 580K
Gold ore 1,800K
Iron ore 4,800K
Limestone 4,800K
Quartz 2,700K
Sand 850K
Water 230K
Wood 200K

Starting locations

1. Easy


A real map of the Czech and Slovak Republics, where on the Czech side the resources are located in real locations of occurrence. There are a lot of them and it is up to everyone what to use and what not to use.

Earlier Versions (3)

Version Download Map Release Date Downloads
3 (CURRENT) 3/30/2024 8:42:44 PM 859
2 3/30/2024 1:38:05 AM 158
1 3/30/2024 1:35:40 AM 175

Comments (8)

kreeg (edited)
The map errors out when it finishes loading then forces me back to the main menu with the following error.

The game failed to initialize. Please file a bug report if this issue persists.

Mafi.Core.GameLoop.GameRunnerException: Failed to initialize game. Failed to place starting buildings: Failed to place settlement. This is likely due to a problem with the chosen starting location on this map.
at Mafi.Core.GameLoop.GameRunner+<Initialize>d__104.MoveNext () [0x0019b]
at Mafi.Core.Game.GameBuilder+<initializeGame>d__6.MoveNext () [0x00127]
at Mafi.Core.Game.GameBuilder+<BuildNewGameTimeSliced>d__2.MoveNext () [0x0040a]
at Mafi.Unity.GamePlayScene+<buildNewGame>d__20.MoveNext () [0x00085]
at Mafi.Unity.GamePlayScene+<Initialize>d__18.MoveNext () [0x000a5]
at Mafi.Unity.Main+<unloadAndStartNewScene>d__70.MoveNext () [0x000fc]
at Mafi.Unity.Main.stepSceneInitialization () [0x000dc]
Map errors when trying to use it. Something about the starting locating being invalid
Thanks cpt. Phelms
Love the map

Hopefully they quickly do something about the obvious troll problem
As written in the description, the resources have a real position, it was the intention to place them that way. I think it's an interesting challenge for more experienced players.
The resources are smeared across the map, not even trying to consider if they are supposed to be combined or not, making the starter base impossible to even work with. Having a secondary location to build your factory is far more challenging than it needs to be with Varian resource Pockets here, making it far more difficult to set up a base than it needs to be. Overall, it's a terrible map.
Thanks captain Roan
Nice work, visually nice and natural/organic look!