Small stackable design for early game coal power plant. (Tier 1) - Upgradable to Tier 2 Tier 2:
by Rico on
Compact plastic production line - prepared to run on two separate resourcess (Naphta+Ethanol). Need external source of Chlorine to be connected to the bottom pipe. There is also option to connect anot...
Upgraded version of my - Tier 1 Earlygame power. Tier 1:
Late game Concrete production line.
Alphabet made from decals :)
Stackable mikrochip factory
Easily scaleable maintenence depot
Small build to produce rubber - prepared to run on two separate resources at the same time (Diesel+Naphta, Diesel+Ethanol or Ethanol+Naphta)
Small Gold smelting unit. From L->R: Crushed gold belt, Acid pipe, 3 Toxic Slurry pipes, 1 exhaust pipe, Recycled Gold belt, and Output
Large desalination plant producing 1188 water
NEET ENGINEERs FBR module - uploaded for testing purpose
Late game modular hydrogen production unit. Requires: 168/60 of Water 66 MW of Power Produces: 288/60 of Hydrogen 288/60 of Oxygen (not used dumped by large smokestack - can be used elsewhere)
Stackable Datacenter build - Just add water input :)