COI-E Diesel to Fertilizer 2
Diesel to Fertilizer 2 Input: 48xWater, 144xDiesel, 48xSulfur/Limestone Output: 66xSourWater, 336xFertilizer 2 Stored in Tanks but can be piped out. System needs at least 288 Hydrogen to kickstart it into the cracking of diesel into naphtha, into fuel gas, into hydrogen. Air seperators provide oxygen and nitrogen for Ammonia production and fertilizer 1, into fert2. Excess Fuel Gas is Flared off, and Excess carbon dioxide, oxygen and Depleted steam is also the same Althougth with some alteration, you can change to pipe off the excess Fuel Gas, Co2, O2, and steam if wanted to.
FYI, I made the BP compact hence why there are no sour water strippers for more amonnia as it left it with a poor conversion ratio.
Made with and for COI-Extended Mod
Full Blueprint Folder for COI-Extended mod (Coming Soon)
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