Early Foundry

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Early Foundry

For early game production of Iron, Steel, Copper, & Glass
Author: Calen


The Early Foundry provides a single facility to produce everything that utilizes a molten channel from early to mid game. It is designed to be used once you have researched Conveyor Belts and until you build the Unified Foundry, which is accessible after researching Advanced Smelting. Like the Unified Foundry, the Early Foundry is organized into modules or stages which correspond to a technology advancement.

Stages of the Early Foundry:

Note: See https://imgur.com/a/z79KfX2 for installation pictures

  • Stage 1: Iron & Copper Smelting
  • Stage 2: Steelworks
  • Stage 3: Recycling
  • Stage 4: Glass Making
  • Stage 5: Exhaust Filtration


  1. Start with constructing the pipes, conveyors, and storage first.
  2. Construct buildings only as needed. Do not over build. Be mindful of the fact that tier I conveyor belts only have a throughput of 60/60. So you only get full capacity out of the first two iron, copper, and steel channels. Everything after that offers diminishing returns until you can upgrade the conveyor belts to tier II.

Metrics by Stage

Required Materials

Name Stage 1 Stage 2 Upgrade Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Total
Concrete 200 200
Construction Parts 1576 553 144 64 2337
Construction Parts II 375 1125 180 96 308 571 2655
Construction Parts III 141 445 169 164 919
Electronics 180 180
Rubber 183 60 220 89 132 42 726


Name Stage 1 Stage 2 Upgrade Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Final
Air Separator 3 3
Blast Furnace 8 6 2 16
Burner (Solid) 2 2
Cooled Caster 6 6
Cooling Tower 3 3
Copper Electrolysis 4 4
Exhaust Scrubber 3 3
Fluid Storage 1 -1 0
Fluid Storage II 1 1 1 3
Glass Maker 2 2
Loose Storage 7 -7 0
Loose Storage II 7 1 3 1 12
Metal Caster 16 16
Mixer 1 1 2
Oxygen Furnace 6 6
Smoke Stack 8 15 2 -22 3
Smoke Stack (Large) 2 2
Unit Storage 4 -4 0
Unit Storage II 2 4 2 8
Waste Sorting Plant 1 1

Functional Input

Name Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Total
Workers 100 126 45 32 34 337
Power (MW) 1.6 1.47 0.3 0.8 0.7 4.87
Maintenance 16.0 42.0 20.0 10.0 14.0 102.0

Resource Input

Name Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Acid Refinement Stage 4 Stage 5 Total
Acid 24 12 -36 0
Coal 36 54 18 108
Copper Ore 96 96
Iron Ore 96 144 244
Limestone 12 12
Recyclables 144 144
Salt 12 12
Sand 12 12
Water 24 36 -24 66 102

Product Output

Name Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Acid Refinement Stage 4 Stage 5 Total
Copper 78 18 96
Glass 48 48
Iron 96 96
Steel 72 72

Byproduct Output

Name Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Total
Air Pollution 96 144 24 -192 72
Carbon Dioxide 216 216
Slag 96 72 30 198
Sulfur 12 12

Earlier Versions (3)

Version Copy to Clipboard Release Date Downloads
3 (Current) 09/25/2024 2536
2 09/16/2024 115
1 06/06/2024 1193

Comments (10)

@MaddTrker - Thanks! The reason I kept them as separate inputs is because, eventually, the water storage on the copper side gets converted to acid.
I love the BP, it's so compact, you can put it almost anywhere you want. Though I do have a question, Any chance you can revise the bp to add the water pipe for the steel portion of the bp connect to the existing water pipe for copper? I have made the edit myself but as I have only gotten to the steel part I'm not sure if the water pipe for steel will infere with the rest of the BP.
Well done Calen, I use several of your Blueprints and enjoy the detail and thoughtfullness of the layouts. Thank you for the effort and sharing!
I had been using JDPlays blueprints.

Calen's blueprints are more efficient, more compact and optimised for COI Update 2.

Quite simply, they are the best blueprints available.
Calen (edited)
Change Log
v1.0.2 - Fixed Completed Build blueprint to be fully upgraded.
v1.0.1 - Added egress transport blueprint
v1.0.0 - Original Design
@Calen: Thanks for the tip. But I mean instructions on how to connect the individual blueprints. For example Manufacturing Hub with F&D whit Farm with Oil Refinery ......
@aadje93 - That's not a bad idea. My only issue is that I dislike intermittent power because I can't plan around it, yet would appear as part of the total available power. I'll think on it.
@Emrys - In the description, in the list of stages is an Imgur URL which shows installation pictures. Let me know if these don't help.
Great blueprint, using it extensively.

But why not put some low pressure turbines to use the low pres steam from scrubbers for some free power instead of running it straight to a cooling tower?
Are there instructions on how to connect the individual blueprints?