JDs Complete Oil Modular build


The blueprint comes as a set of modules to process crude oil and output Diesel, Naptha, Fuel gas, Hydrogren, Fetliser 2, Fertilzer 1 as well as output Rubber, Plastic and Sulfer as well as accept excess sulfer from things like scrubbing. It also includes all cracking and is designed to only deadlock when Diesel is full

Blueprint explanation video can be found on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhxUFqsYM1s

Blueprint Version 1.0 Made in COI version 0.5.2 ~JDPlays

i have been using the blueprint and it works quite good. no issues with it so far
zapper (edited)
bug in loop of oil in come . air in line lol.
Monty, tady na stránce dáš copy to clipboard, pak přímo ve hře plány (F4) nahoře budeš mít přidat nový plán vložením textu ze schránky a potom už jenom paste.
Ale kam se plán má uložit?
No you just must put the blueprints exactly, there is no overlapping.